The Goal

Simply put, the goal is to become an International Master.

I know I have a number of challenges to overcome that certainly make this goal a bit harder than usual. At least on paper. First of all, I am 47, going on 48 in March. While I have certainly enjoyed unusually good genetics that draw comments of disbelief when I say it, that is still the cover of the book, and I must assume that aside from a more youthful appearance, the rest is quite normal. Meaning I should not expect my brain to magically enjoy that youthfulness as well.

The second challenge is my current state in chess itself. My highest rating was 2240 FIDE, which is over 20 years ago, and right now it is at 2149 FIDE, which means less than nothing since I have not played a rated game since July 2008. This means that need to work under the assumption that my current level is below that.

Nevertheless, this does not mean chess suddenly reappeared in my life nine years later giving me some impulsive, spur-of-the-moment decision to ‘go for it’. Especially since I know as well as any that such a goal is measured in years, and a similar measure in commitment. Since 2010, I have been writing and editing for ChessBase News, which has kept me in constant contact with the game, players and the chess world at large. In fact, it is as a result of my work with ChessBase News that I was bit by the photography bug, leading me to develop a passion and skill that were in stark contrast with my lifelong habits and interests. Visual arts and other had never made much of an impression until then.

At this point, I still believe without any doubt I am capable of achieving the goal, and know that time is not stopping while I make up my mind, so I have decided to truly give it an energetic push and see what comes of it.

This blog aims to allow me to keep track of my progress and hold me accountable, and will count among the tools I use to achieve my goal. The name of the blog, Master at 50, sets the goal, but to be fair I will not worry if I reach it at 51 or 52.


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