Getting started
Calling it a 'week' of study would be a serious overstatement as I spent much more time getting the blog tools and conditions set up properly. That and other things. A cop-out, no question, and excuses aren't going to get me there, but that is the purpose of the blog, isn't it? Keeping me honest. This next week will really get the thing underway. Setting up the site My initial blog URL was one of those ghastly combinations you get when you sign up for a free blog space: . Gesundheit. It is now under a domain using my name: I actually tried getting this domain more than once over the years, but found it taken by some ophthalmologist (if memory serves) who had his small site set up, and who shared my first and last names. I wasn't enthralled with the idea of some other permutation with hyphens or other, and had given up. To be fair, at the time I had no real idea of what I would do with it, and just wanted to have owne...